Range of services

massage: causes a warming of the body surface by rhythmic pressure of the tissue . In this way, muscle tensions can be relieved, the circulation stimulated and the muscle build-up supported. also enhances general well-being and severs as a prevention of sore muscles.

stretches: is used to improve joint mobility, increase the radius of the joint, elasticity of muscles,tendons, ligaments and fascia extension. In addition this avoids one sided loads. Before stretching the horse must be warmed up either by appropriate riding training or by a fitness massage.

Trigger therapy (Jack Meagher): is a therapy in which serve muscle tensions can be relieved. These tensions occur in specific areas of the muscles, which are then called stress points. The muscles spasm is removed immediately. It also has a preventive effect, if you notice that the stress points react, treat before the horse shows problems. If these points are then treated accordingly beforehand, tendon damage can be avoided.

lymph drainage : helps the body to transport waste and pollutants away. This is necessary for swelling caused by strains, compressions, bruises, blows or fractures, after operations and poorly healing scares. lymph drainage is a light massage made along the lymphatic tracts to the lymph centres in order to stimulate the lymph flow again.

acupressure: is also called regulation therapy. It regulates the energy in the body and makes it more balanced . This activates certain points to restore balance in the meridians. In this way it can have a preventive but also health-promoting effects on certain diseases.

Training for the rider: